
Advantages of Sand Carbon Filters

Multi-media water filter systems are used for longer time periods before backwashing is required as the bed can hold more turbidity. Trapping and holding of turbidity takes place throughout the entire bed depth instead of the top one or two inches.

Suitability of multi-media filtration is much better for use in a closed pressure tank since the subsequent breakthrough of turbidity and cracking of the bed virtually eliminates and there is hardly required any visual inspection. Using the pressure tanks is of an obvious advantage than using the open basins or filters for point-of-use filtration and it could also be of importance in small community water supplies filtration. Usage of small diameter tanks with equal or better results also allow the more rapid filtration flow rates in multi-media filtration.

Filtered water brings a very high degree of clarity due to the fact that the finer particles of garnet at the bottom trap finer turbidity particles.

The clarification of water at a much higher flow rate than a single-media sand filter is another important advantage of the multi-media water filters. This comprises around 14 to 15 gallons per minute per square foot of bed area in comparison to 2gpm per square foot of bed area. This different is very important in the production of filtered water. Advanced multi-media water filters from Matrix Eco Technologies  (MF-1100, MF-1000, MF-600, MF-500 MF-450, MF-410 MF-400 Series) helps in clarifying water by sedimentary, iron, turbidity, removal along with removing unpleasant taste and odors, unwanted colour and suspended particles. All of them are most commonly found in surface water. These filters can be used in a variety of service conditions including municipal, industrial and institutional applications.

Multi-media water filter systems from Matrix Eco Technologies are ideally suitable for use where stringent water quality standards are required or where water contains higher levels of suspended solids. These applications include re-use application, deionization systems or as a pre-treatment system and water pre-treatment applications for reverse osmosis systems prior to disposable beg or cartridge filters.

Matrix Eco Technologies multi-media filter systems are the widely used filter systems in the form of primary water filters for the removal of suspended solids in the applications of incoming plant water or waste water clean-up. With the expert services from Matrix Eco Technologies water filter systems, you will get economical situation and it will surely create value to reduce your costs.