
Water softeners used in industries are specific ion exchangers that are specifically designed for removing positively charged ions. Mainly these softeners remove magnesium (Mg2+) and Calcium (Ca2+) ions. Magnesium and Calcium are referred to as the hardness minerals. Sometimes, these softeners are even applied for removing iron. These softening devices can remove up to 5 milligrams per liter of dissolved iron. They can operate automatic, semi-automatic, or manual. Every type is rated on the amount of hardness it can remove before the necessary regeneration. Commercial softeners collect hardness minerals from the water within its conditioning tank and flush them away from time to time to drain.
More often, the ion exchangers are used for water softening. When an ion exchanger is applied to soften water, it will replace the calcium magnesium ions in the water with other ions, for example potassium or sodium. The exchanger ions are added to the ion exchanger reservoir as potassium sodium salts (KCl and NaCl).
A good system for water softening lasts for many years. Water softeners supplied in the 1980s may still work and may require very little maintenance other than filling them with salt occasionally. Generally, three types of salts are sold for water softening including rock salt, solar salt and evaporated salt.
Usually, salt is added to the reservoir while the softener is regenerated. If the frequency of regeneration is higher, it will require more salt to be added. Water softeners are generally checked twice a month. Satisfactory production of the soft water is guaranteed by keeping at least half-full of the salt levels at all times.
Experts at Matrix Eco Technologies with their water softener systems assure that you will receive economical situation that will add value for you to reduce your costs.