
We are a professionally managed organization and having expertise in the following Effluent Treatment Technologies:

· Extended Aeration

· Submerged Aeration Fixed Film




Domestic waste water treatment plants of any city consists of collection, treatment and disposal. In conventional centralized sewage treatment system, about 80% of the cost is accounted for the collection. The cost of collection of sewage and its conveyance to the terminal point in the large cities is very high. Further, the depth of sewer goes on increasing with the increase of length of sewer line and pumping of the sewage at the intermediate and terminal points requires a lot of energy. In centralized treatment system volume of the sewage becomes very large and the distance of conveyance, as the sewage treatment plants are generally located outside of the cities, is very long. Further CTS aggravates the environmental problem also, because of large volume of the waste water of the entire city is discharged at one place. In decentralized treatment system, a balance between the advantages of large scale treatment in terms of economics of scale and individual responsibility for domestic waste water treatment system can be obtained by providing colony wise / sector-wise treatment system. Responsibility of construction as well as operation and maintenance may be taken up collectively by the residential colonies, builders and developers. Specific treatment technology should be selected as per the prevailing ground situation like availability of the land etc. Keeping in mind all these points, we offer decentralized state of the art following package sewage treatment system.

· Underground STP based on bioreactor (Biofilters)

· Mobile containerized STP based on Submersed media aerobic reactor (SMAeR

· Compact plant based on Fluidized aerobic reactor (FAeR)

After biological treatment, water is further treated by adopting tertiary metood that may be used for gardening/ flushing and other utilities. The Compact Package plant is easy to operate needs very low maintenance, minimum power consumption, land & consumables for reducing operating cost. These are generally manufactured in MS epoxy coated or Stainless steel / FRP as per the specific need. These compact plants are best suited for hotels, hospitals, holiday resorts, country / golf clubs, schools, housing complexes, national parks & industrial commercial complexes.

Sewage Treatment Plant Technologies

Extended Aeration

In general, the extended aeration treatment plant technology offers unique conditions for aerobic bacteria and other microorganisms. Such microorganisms can decompose all the biological contaminants in the raw sewage.

Generally, the treatment plant offers sufficient oxygen, a proper environment and other elements that let the bacteria intake organic matter and multiply and lice around the treatment plant. Through this manner, the microbes and aerobic bacteria decompose the waste and sewage to a stable form – nuisance and odour free.

The aeration chamber is the major part where around 90% of the treatment takes place. Such process operates under certain possible theories. The waste in domestic wastewater can be organic (biodegradable).

It means that the aerobic microorganisms in the oxygen presence can use the organic material as their food source. In nature, when the waste has been discharged untreated to the stream, the bacteria in the stream can deplete dissolved oxygen levels and decompose the sewage levels to the point it can kill various aquatic lives in the stream.

Like nature, blowers introduced the air in the extended aeration treatment plant technology, and the bacteria have been grown to feed on the incoming sewage from the dwelling or business. The bacteria in the aeration tank can decompose all the sewage to form the suspended sludge.

The liquid present in the aeration chamber, known as mixed liquor, has the consistency of a thin milkshake and brown colour, the same as that of the coffee with the cream. But you should note that the colour can differ from one system to other based on the type of waste.

Poor maintenance and operation result in serious public and environmental health problems. The sewage disposal system is not a magical device. It needs proper care, maintenance and inspection to operate efficiently. Proper sewage treatment maintenance and installation is a must to protect water resources.

Submerged Aeration Fixed Film

The SAFF – Submerged Aeration Fixed Film is the most straightforward and cost-effective technique in the wastewater industry. It can be mainly used in residential complexes, sewage sanitation industries and commercial complexes. It can primarily utilize while limiting the land and the operational manning can become uneconomical the whole time. 

Such a process can help you reduce organic load, Suspended Solids (SS) and Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of commercial and residential sewage wastewater. The technology can be preferred in many small to medium-sized treatment plants. 

It is an essential process that uses the corrugated inert UV-stabilized PVC media by the aerobic biological process. The surface area of the Submerged Aeration Fixed Film can be helpful in the rapid digestion of biomass according to the biomass microbes. 

Through this technology, the air can be supplied through mechanical aeration comprising diffusers and blowers. Submerged Aeration Fixed Film media can be supported by the bottom support through which it can be arranged in the fixed reactor. 

Using the SAFF technology for residential and commercial purposes can provide you with mentioned benefits. 

  • Predictable performance
  • Better whole-life costs
  • Lower operation and maintenance 
  • No interruption in processing
  • Easy and simple installation

Working principles of Submerged Aeration Fixed Film:

  • Primary Settlement

Here the larger solid will settle at the bottom, and the sludge can be removed from one time to another. The other buoyant materials can be floated upwards and removed by scraping and screening methods.

  • Secondary treatment

After water comes from primary treatment, it can be again passed through and removed the sludge periodically. The biodegradable organic matter can be degraded here by biomass. Then the water can be forwarded and processed for clarification or final settlement.

  • Final clarification or settlement

Here the degraded solids can get settled out of the effluent automatically.


Fluidized Aerobic Bio Reactor (FAB):

Best Hybrid Biological System For Reducing Space

The Fluidized Aerobic Bio Reactor or FAB is one of the ultimate hybrid biological systems suitable for reducing footprint area. These are required to make the installation of the system effortless. FAB is enabled with the trouble-free operation for increasing treatment efficiency. The FAB is an amazing space and power-saving technology suitable for easily saving more time. These are quite convenient to that for large-sized wastewater treatment plants. Fluidized Aerobic Bio Reactor does not require more space or monitoring.

Enhances Volumetric Nitrification Rates:

The growing process of the media packing has been fixed with the reactor tank, as well as wastewater that are passed with biofilm. Fluidized Aerobic Bio Reactor has more benefits that include a highly efficient and compact biological wastewater treatment process. These are also known for their ease of operations. The process is designed for treating the organic waste stream. These are enabled for BOD removal, such as domestic wastewater.

  • Less footprint area
  • Low hydraulic retention time (HRT)
  • High resident biomass concentration
  • Rapidly respond
  • Low operation cost
  • Low maintenance cost

High-Grade Screening:

The typical Fluidized Aerobic Bio Reactor process consists of pretreatment such as screening. These will be followed by a single or even more number of FAB tanks. The degradation process takes place for soluble matters. The final stage of treatment involves particle separation. Fluidized Aerobic Bio Reactor tanks especially have various components that include the

  • Spray Nozzles
  • Grids/SievesAeratorss
  • Bio-Media

FAB allows the organic pollutants in the wastewater completely decompose with suspended and attached growth of the microorganisms. Polypropylene media are used as the medium for attached bio growth occupies that is around 50% tank volume. The rest of the portion in reactors is utilized for a suspended growth aeration system. Lightweight media is under constant motion in the tank due to diffused aeration system.

MBR (Membrane Bioreactor)

For the most part, membrane Bioreactor (MBR) is a term used to characterize wastewater treatment processes with a perm-specific layer, microfiltration or ultrafiltration. It is incorporated with a natural cycle − explicitly, a suspended development bioreactor. MBRs contrast with ‘cleaning’ processes where the film is utilized as a discrete tertiary treatment step without any arrival of the dynamic biomass to the natural interaction.

Practically all business MBR processes accessible today utilize the film as a channel, dismissing the strong materials created by the organic cycle, bringing about an explained and cleaned item profluent. While the CAS interaction utilizes an optional clarifier or settlement tank for strong/fluid detachment, an MBR involves a film for this capability. This gives various benefits connecting with process control and item water quality. Fouling peculiarities are a primary deterrent to far and wide MBRs plants and are given exhaustively late fouling moderation techniques.

MBR is generally utilized for city and modern wastewater treatment. This survey tends to fundamental ideas of MBRs plants and accordingly gives data on the new improvements of each part connected with MBR plants. The qualities of the bioreactor treatment process are talked about exhaustively, and a complete survey of the film detachment process is inspected. The endeavours of various novel MBR processes are summed up. The current difficulties and future examination endeavours are proposed to handle the current restriction of MBRs to be reasonable for a bigger scope.

Membrane bioreactor consolidates traditional organic treatment processes with layer filtration to expel a high degree of natural and suspended solids. When planned as needs are, these frameworks can likewise give a high-level degree of supplement evacuation. In an MBR framework, the layers are lowered in circulated air through an organic reactor. The layers have porosities going from 0.035 microns to 0.4 microns which are viewed as among miniature and ultrafiltration.

SBT (Soil biotechnologies)

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